MED Inspection | CE Inspection | Product testing | Dinghies | Workshop inspection | Project monitoring service | Expedition  |  Factory Quality Audit  |   Consumer Goods Inspections


Large scale projects and purchasing can involve complex supply chain along with numerous international suppliers Our professionals ensure your products are compliant, free with defects and to be shipped on contracted dates. Why use expediting services from DCI? With multiple phrases and suppliers involved in your purchasing, expediting can be burdensome and challenging. Our freight forwarding services help you to:

  • Make sure your materials and equipment are delivered in accordance with the contractual date and code;
  • Stay on top of your projects through detailed and factual reporting;
  • Identify problems that may lead to delays and suggest customized solutions to avoid delays.
  • Our expediting service include,
  • Coordination with suppliers
  • Undergo status assessment of project
  • Monitor the dispatch of materials
  • Verify vendor competency
  • Reporting
  • Offer solutions/proposals
  • The Standard For Progress